jueves, 23 de enero de 2014

The Mallorca (Majorca) Conquest

In the early 123 b.C. The Roman Quintus Caecilius Metellus, gets to Mallorca (Majorca) to take part of the Island scenery. This date is very crucial in the Majorca History: Romans began the conquest of Mallorca (Majorca).

The conquest by the romans and  the next period of Romanization was not easy because of the opposition of the islanders and their skill in the use of the sling. 

Upon completion of the conquest of Majorca, the islands finally are incorporated into the Roman administrative life.  Many ruptures characterizes this point and the next years of the Majorcan culture, which pass so

- 123 b.C Breaks the Balearics conquer. It is the beginning of what is known as the Majorca and the Balearics Romanization period.

- 425 The Vandals invade and plunder Mallorca. Thereafter this Germanic people sits on the Island.

- 534 The Byzantines, sorted by Belisarius, conquer the archipelago.

- 707 Muslims arrived in Mallorca (Majorca) for the first time.

- 903 After two centuries of social tensions Mallorca (Majorca) succumb to the power of the Umayyad, who imposes their language.

It follows a period of cultural splendor with the establishment of Madina Mayurqa in the geographical area that now occupies the city of Palma.

 Majorca Tour

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